Innovation: Strategy & Execution

Global Gray Matter Blog

Perspective. Lessons Learned. Insights.

Risk and Hassle - gotta love 'em!

Yes, you did read the headline correctly...

Why am I saying this?

Well, replacing yourself in your business is not a quick or easy goal to accomplish. It requires time and money, as well as focus and effort.

Translation: It is risky (because it might not work out first time) and a hassle (because it takes a lot of focus and effort over and above everything else that you are already doing).

But, you gotta love it. Because this is the only way that you get this rather important goal accomplished. Achieving this goal is worth the price that you have to pay.

It also requires stepping aside from being driven by your ego. How so? You have to step aside from the pull of being critical to the operations of the business ...and from being needed and necessary.

Being needed and necessary is neither sustainable nor scalable for your business. Nor is it valuable ...rather it is the opposite of valuable.

The first step is learning to DELEGATE! Both internally and externally.

The next step is to build and rely on SYSTEMS rather than to be dependent on people.

Along with both of these steps you need to embrace the process ...and learn to get comfortable with the risk (that you have carefully assessed) and the hassle (because it is temporary and drives you to get the goal completed sooner rather than later).

Peter Gray